Saturday, January 30, 2010

Moving Day

I sure know how to pick the perfect day to move... more or less. The original idea was to get two teams of people helping move stuff from my apartment and from my parents house simultaneously. Didn't quite work out like we planned. Last night brought inches of snow and below freezing weather, and in the interest of keeping people safe, we called off the cavalry. I still have to be out  by Monday, so Tyler, my dad and I set out this morning to at least get the apartment on Broadway cleared out. I've never been wetter, chillier, and so worn out! Thank goodness I have such a patient family!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Story of SkippyJon

Okay. There are a few bits of general knowledge that everyone should know about the author of this amature blog. The first is that I'm a teacher. The second, is that I've had an undying love of children's literature that started at a very young age and has only grown stronger as the years have passed and my experience has increased.
I first was aquainted with SkippyJon Jones in Bowling Green a couple years ago as a student assistant in the public library. At the time, the branch I worked in was a beautiful old train depot that had been converted into a library and event hall. In my romantic little mind, this was the most perfect job I have ever had. In my job, I got the priveledge of previewing  books before patrons did, and had spent many an hour shelving book after book. With all that time and books in my hands, I absorbed so much knowledge and constantly discovered new favorites. One of them happened to be a clever series of books about a young siamese kitten who mistook himself for a chihuahua and embarked on several quippy and hillarilously written adventures. It's a great read aloud series, extremely loveable, and undeniably cute. I myself developed a small pension for siamese cats.
Time went on, I finished college and started my first job. Of COURSE one of the first read alouds I ever did for them was of my favorite literary gato. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted a little kitten of my own, but my current roommates were hard core dog lovers and felines were strictly out of the question. Just as my hopes were to be dashed, fate took a step of intervention on my behalf and provided me an opportunity to move, and meet the furball of my dreams.
An aquaintance of mine happened to know someone that had taken in a litter of siamese cats and their mother. Apparently the breeder was going to put them down because they had developed a rather nasty case of unchecked ring worm ( google it, it's totally non lethal), because they were no longer worth anything to them. She took the initiative to start medical care for the crew and soon they started to get their health back. She couldn't take care of them all, and so I was offered one at a muy muy cheap price ( to cover medical costs). A couple visists to the vet, and skin wipes later, the little fluffernutter is in perfect health, all his hair is grown back and not a single flake is to be found. He's my little rescue kitty, and the entertainment of the household.

Moral of the story? Read SkippyJon Jones, then come visit the real thing...and bring cupcakes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Apple a Day....

SJ is growing fast and hard! Every day he manages to find something new to get into, something else to hide in the black hole vortex of kitty knows where, or another way to rope the other cats into playing with him. As frustrating as his toddler period is, he's still the most affectionate and adorable creature on Earth, and has a melting effect that gets him out of trouble with out fail each and every time.

This past weekend we went to the vet for his booster vaccinations and check up. The first two times we had been were easygoing and he seemed to handle the situation with a little uncertainty but nothing worse. This time was another ball game. The smart and ever alert Skipito was on his guard this time, after the pokes of the last visit and was not about to let them do the same thing without a small protest. In the end he conceded and we were on our way out almost unscathed. Just as we were getting to go, however, the poor dear got sick, reacting to the dewormer. He ended up having to hang out for a few more hours, get a few more unwanted shots, and them exhausted, went home. I was supposed to follow up with baby benadryl twice a day for the next two days... this was what resulted after the first dose. Needless to say, that was the first and only.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Every Day is an Adventure

I've had a pretty good start to my adult life so far. I've had bountiful support from friends and family every step of the way both emotionally and financially, and have been blessed in spite of myself. I have the amazing opportunity to obtain a job in a time when it has been difficult for most. I've also been blessed to be in a position of independence. Now, this has come in stages. As of next saturday, I will for the first time in my life be able to say that I am completely and totally independent financially in my life. I will be moving into an apartment all on my own, devoid of any roommates!

I've had my moments of gripe over having to share my living space with others, but I cannot deny that each individual that I've shared a dorm/apartment/house with has taught me more about myself and how to interract with other people in this world than anyone else ever could. I appreciate each and every one of them for the lessons they have taught me. I'm going to miss ( in theory) living with someone else.

Have no fear though. I will not be totally alone in my new phase of adventures. As those who know me well are well aware, I am a sucker for animals big and small. Over the past year I've picked up a few oddballs here and there and have collected what I like to call my dainty menagerie. A truly odd and potentially disasterous mix; I have two fish that have been named and renamed (they don't seem to mind) thanks to friends and roommates, two animated and attention grabbing pet rats that inhabit my quaint 3rd grade classroom( see adjoining blog), and two darling cats that will share my living space with me. I'm never with out entertainment, affection, or company with this crew. I look forward to the next phase of my life as it unfolds, and sharing it with friends, family, and the animal kingdom. Stay tuned.