Saturday, September 29, 2012

{Pumpkin Pie}

After a chat with some of the girls at work, I was dismayed that none of them had had pumpkin pie before. That combined with my wistfulness over missing fall in Ky, lead to a morning of baking. Jeff found me [half] a pie pumpkin ( because it's completely normal to find produce sliced and sold by sections in China) and by the time I got to work this afternoon I had scrumptious little pumpkin pies to share with everyone.  They aren't the prettiest things I've ever made, but they were a rousing success with some tough critics!

Happy Fall!


  1. How does one find 'Cool Whip' in Suzhou?

  2. Oh goodness! These look delicious. I tend to gravitate to your baking posts . . . I really need to expand my interests. I read the other posts, don't get me wrong, but I have to comment on the food posts . . . They are awesome!

    1. Thanks! It's hard to explain to others just how difficult it is to cook well in China, and I feel extremely proud of myself whenever something turns out even close to right. Coming from you it's even more confidence boosting :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ma'am. You've got a hefty amount yourself! I've been following your pictures for a while; I like your style! :)
